Good Government Group

South Carolina 2024 Legislative Session Recap

During the recent South Carolina legislative session, state lawmakers passed significant bills about economic development, public health, education, professional licensing, and social issues. Since the session began in early January, 237 bills have passed both chambers, with 228 becoming law, as of May 24. Additionally, Governor Henry McMaster vetoed three bills that currently await legislative

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Alaska 2024 Legislative Session Recap

Alaska’s 120-day legislative session ended on May 15. Under the Republican leadership of Governor Mike Dunleavy, Senate President Gary Stevens, and House Speaker Cathy Tilton, lawmakers addressed a wide range of issues, including the state budget, public health and safety, energy infrastructure, and K-12 education. However, lawmakers failed to make significant progress in key areas

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Georgia 2024 Legislative Session Recap

Georgia’s 2024 legislative session concluded on Thursday, March 28. Lawmakers tackled key priorities such as Certificate of Need, tort reform, state employee salaries, and election security. However, they did not resolve high-profile bills about Medicaid expansion and sports gambling, which may return for consideration next year. Measures passed by both chambers will go to Governor

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North Carolina 2024 Legislative Session Preview

The North Carolina Legislature convened its 2024 Legislative Short Session on April 24, which runs through late July. Legislative leaders claim this session will be concluded by 1 July due to election season approaching and all 170 legislative seats on the ballot.  With a robust tax revenue surplus projected through mid-2025, legislative leaders have plenty

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Tennessee 2024 Legislative Session Recap

Tennessee’s legislative session ended on April 25, following the passage of many healthcare priorities and funding bills, as well as other bills regarding education, music, and more. Both chambers approved the following healthcare bills: CON Reform – On April 23, the legislature passed HB 2269, a significant reform of the state’s Certificate of Need (CON) laws. This

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Idaho 2024 Legislative Session Recap

State lawmakers concluded Idaho’s 94-day legislative session on April 10. The whirlwind session saw leadership changes within the Republican Majority and the passage of significant legislation affecting election ballots, infrastructure, gender issues, and more.  Health Policy Highlights: Medicaid PASSED – HB 398 requires legislative approval for all Medicaid plan amendments or waivers, but does not affect existing

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Florida 2024 Legislative Session Recap

Florida’s 2024 regular legislative session ended with adjournment “sine die” on Friday, March 8, but not before lawmakers addressed many bills. Notable among these were measures to enhance public health, restrict child social media use, provide toll relief to motorists, raise the pay of state employees, and fight antisemitism. Each bill approved by both the

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Idaho 2024 Legislative Session Update

The Idaho legislative session has crossed the halfway mark, and lawmakers have made significant progress on several healthcare bills, including the following: Medicaid HB 398 would direct the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare not to seek or implement any Medicaid plan amendment or waiver without legislative approval. This would not affect any that already exist.

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